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Apostle Charles E. Lewis, Sr.

     Worship Leader, Evangelist, Counselor, Educator, Author, and Pastor are just some of the roles that Dr. Charles E. Lewis, Sr. has been called to perform as one of God’s Elect with each role leading to a destiny that has spanned throughout the Carolinas and beyond; touching lives, bridging cultural gaps, and unveiled truths. Dr. Lewis, a native of Goldsboro, NC, accredits his love for the church to his parents, the late Elder James W. Lewis, Sr. and the late Evangelist Eva M. Lewis both of whom instilled in him Godly love by their example. Dr. Lewis was nurtured in the United Holy Church and groomed in the Church of God in Christ (COGIC). His exuberance and passion for souls catapulted him into the founding of Possessing the Keys of the Kingdom Fellowship (PKOK). PKOK is a fellowship centered on training apostolic-minded ministries and leaders. Dr. Lewis’ spontaneity in biblical worship, and his rejuvenating nature, as well as his fervent commitment to the body of Christ has caused the fellowship to grow and touch many ministries across the Eastern parts of North Carolina.

     In 1990, Dr. Lewis was called to preach the gospel and he was licensed in COGIC in 1991. He was ordained Elder by the Southern Convocation of the United Holy Church of America in 1994 and was installed as Pastor of Antioch United Holy Church shortly after. In December 2009, Dr. Lewis answered the call of God to move into a Non-Denominational Apostolic Ministry (Antioch Church Ministries, Inc.). Through this calling, the Apostolic Fatherhood to give birth to sons/daughters into the kingdom of God through a nurturing and paternal relationship of feeling, concern and responsibility enables him to impart the covenant of Christ, which brings the order of God, establishes maturity in the faith and empowers and prepares sons/daughters to also, one day, become fathers who will bring forth fruit that remains.

     Dr. Lewis characterizes an assignment reflective of a commitment to insure that all believers understand that they “Possess the Keys of The Kingdom of Heaven” with the power to bind and loose things for the kingdom of God. He believes that it is with this type of impartation that Christendom receives strength to battle the enemy.

     Dr. Lewis’ accomplishments include but are not limited to Overseer of Possessing the Keys of the Kingdom Fellowship, serving on the Clinical Pastoral Education Board at Vidant Medical Center, Greenville, NC. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Church Ministry from Mt. Olive College, a Master of Christian Education from Christian Bible College and Seminary, a Master of Religious Education from Shaw University, a Doctorate of Christian Education from Christian Bible College and Seminary and a Doctorate of Biblical Worship from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.

     In 1980, Dr. Lewis was united in matrimony to Lisa M. Brandon and they have been blessed with three amazing children: Charles, Jr., Nicole and Barbara and four beautiful grandchildren.  

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